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Health, Safety, Environmental & Quality



GS Campbell (Contractors) Ltd strive to deliver our projects on time, within budget and safely whilst observing and respecting the environment in which we work.


Our team are fully briefed and aware of what is expected of them prior to work commencing and work strictly to our approved documentation for each given work location and project.  Each member of the team is highly experienced and proactively demonstrates the behaviour and co-operation which is expected of them and required to deliver a project successfully to meet our client's expectations.


All vehicles have an on-board first aid kit with all personnel qualified to administer First Aid to the +F standard.


Where fuel bowsers are required on sites, spill kits and emergency plans are in place with all personnel trained in their use when re-fuelling our plant.


We have achieved accreditation from CHAS - The Contractors Health & Safety Assessment Scheme and are Achilles UVDB (Utilities Vendors Database) Registered to B2 Standard which reinforces our compliance to Health & Safety and will continue to do so on an annual basis.  Copies of these Certificates are available upon request.


Should you wish to have sight of our signed Health & Safety Policy, Environmental Policy or Quality Policy, please telephone our office to request a copy(details are within the Contact Us section).










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